Dommerne var glade for dommerkonferencen i Danmark

Dsqf har modtaget følgende fine tilbagemelding fra WSF's dommere: 


I have only just returned to a stable environment after Odense, and I want to thank you sincerely for the arrangements you made for our World Refereeing Conference.


The Conference was a great success, and this was made possible by the fact that there were no technical problems at all: the facilities were excellent and everything went very smoothly, and the people who attended were all very positive in their comments.


I hope that the Danish Squash Federation is happy to have hosted such a successful event, as I am sure that the WSF is very grateful to you for having accepted the invitation to host it.


With best regards


Rod Symington

WSF Senior Referee Assessor


tkl 14-10-2009


15. december 2015
er forlænget til den 17. december 2015
11. december 2015
Deadline for tilmelding den 13. december!
10. december 2015
den 8.-9. januar 2016
10. december 2015
Birkerøds holdopstilling i kamp 4550
2. december 2015
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